Why You Should Incorporate a Proper Diet into Your Work Schedule
Think about all the number of times you’ve skipped a meal because you were busy and had a big and sorry pile of work to finish. Did you ever stop to think that the food would actually help you finish your work? This is because your brain expends about 20 percent of the calories that we ingest daily, the quality of which is correlated with your productivity levels. For this reason, you should give the same attention you reserve for planning work to your meals as well.

Your Brain Responds to the Food You Eat
It is alarming to see how quickly the food you eat starts to influence your brain functioning. A piece of cake could cause a sugar rush in not more than 15 minutes, followed by cognitive impairments.
Your neurological framework is at risk if you insist on continuing super-fatty diets. Instead, opt for diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids (contained in fish and nuts), that increase alertness and in the long run, preserves cognitive functions to avoid memory loss.
Primary schooling has taught us that the primary end product of digestion is glucose, which acts as a power source for your body and brain. What you eat determines the expenditure of glucose and additionally, your immunity levels.
Starting your Day Well- Eat breakfast
If you belong to that category of busy bees that can’t squeeze breakfast into their schedules, then start today for reasons galore! Breakfast kicks off your metabolism at the precise time of day.
Never skip breakfast. This can lead to steep peaks in your blood sugar and a consequent fall towards the afternoon. Eating breakfast ensures a healthy balance in the same.
Even if you have to hurry in the morning, quickly pack a simple breakfast to-go. Focus on energy-boosting foods such as:
• Low-fat dairy, like yogurt and skim milk.
• Lean protein, like hard-boiled eggs and peanut butter.
• Whole grains, like whole-wheat toast or brown bread, and cereals with lots of grain content.
• Fruits and vegetables of all kinds, which can be consumed raw or blended into juice.
Focus On Brain Foods
We have already discussed the effect of the food you eat on your brain. To let your productivity levels pick up speed, remember the following brain facts:
So pack tiffin-boxes full of glucose-rich and low-sugar foods. You can also keep snack-boxes at your office desk, preferably containing nuts, berries and fruits that you can munch on while working.
Remember, you are what you eat. So you don’t want to be eating junk.
Hydration is essential

Apart from basic survival, water can do wonders to augment your energy levels, so ditch the fizz and fancy energy drinks and stick to good old mineral water.
Sticking to your food goals
We all put effort into completing our assignments and projects. We try out doable “work-hacks”, use all kinds of apps and read up articles on how we can multiply productivity levels. If we could put in just as much effort into what, how and when we eat, the above techniques would work much better for us. It’s all about the commitment that you possess to eat and moreover, eat healthy.
Planning is therefore, imperative. You need to adjust and adapt schedules with your diet. Your body will thank you for it. Furthermore, you can count on your body to not betray you the next time a humongous assignment or major presentation comes your way.
This is a handwritten article by Team InterviewBuddy. InterviewBuddy offers online face-to-face practice interviews with senior industry experts across the board.