What to do for Instant Confidence
Confidence can get you in some advantageous situations and out of some tricky spots. It is therefore important that you learn how to cultivate this skill as your career grows. Some people are just born with a knack for seeming confident; others are not. For people who are not too sure of themselves, peruse the following methods and get started on this ability today:

1. Tailor your body language to “fit” you
How you walk and talk can echo your confidence levels, which is why you need to work on perfecting your body language to make a good impression. Always seem enthusiastic while meeting people. Greet the people you meet with a smile and a cheery disposition. Don’t forget the basics of maintaining eye-contact and posture.
2. Apply the brakes
We’ve all noticed how fast talkers seem nervous and high-pitched. Talk at an unhurried pace without stumbling. This is where you can put to use some effective pauses as well. When you observe yourself picking up speed while talking, take a deep breath and slow down.
3. Fashioning yourself a Confident Lifestyle
Spend a good amount of time and effort on your appearance. This includes taking good care of your general health and personal hygiene. Also, pay painstaking attention to your attire. When you look good, you automatically feel good. These details will give a big lift to your confidence.
4. Developing confidence on the inside
Now that you’ve taken care of your external appearance, it’s time you work on how you feel inside. We all fear being judged on our appearances and actions. Somewhere in the back of your head lives a little hobgoblin who constantly makes you doubt yourself and feel inept. Kick the little guy straight to the curb.
5. Utilize opportunities to meet people
Take up every chance you can get your hands on to meet new people. Have meaningful dialogues with strangers and friends alike. Instead of being holed up in your office cubby, move around and constantly engage with people. Nothing says confident like a lively and affable colleague!
This is a handwritten article by Team InterviewBuddy. InterviewBuddy connects students, job seekers & people looking to scale up their career with industry experts to practice interviewing.