How to Become an Expert at Making Small Talk
You’re in the midst of a conversation between a few people but you can’t seem to contribute anything to it because no matter how much you try, you’re not able to make small talk. If you’ve observed people who can, they seem to have oodles of self-confidence to be able to strike up chit-chat so easily.

If you’d like to bag these skills as well, then study the following points to master the art of small talk.
Getting ready
Similar to the warm-up that an athlete does before the race, it is important you prepare before diving into a conversation. This preparation could be in the form of narrowing down some potential topics to talk about and identifying with them through personal experiences.
This ensures that you don’t run out of words midstream.
Breaking the ice
Stop waiting for someone else to initiate the conversation. Jump right in there armed with a smile and some confidence. Don’t forget to maintain eye contact! Doing the above radiates a good amount of positive energy, which will build a good foundation for the ensuing conversation.
Being an Active Listener
Developing this facet has multiple benefits. Listening can help you comprehend everything that’s being said more clearly by constructing a mental map, instead of picking up sporadic morsels of information. You can also utilise this time to think of fitting replies to keep the conversation afloat.
Steer clear of unpleasant topics
Small talk is more or less for the sake of formality so you don’t want to be talking about the big philosophical questions of existence or anything. Topics such as recession, company layoffs, etc. are also deep and troubled waters so wading into them might spark off arguments. Basically, stick to lighter topics.
Conclude the Conversation with Poise
Ending on a good note is just as important. Show your respect for the other person’s time and words by thanking him/her, instead of a curt nod or a rushed ‘Bye’. Exeunt gracefully.
This is a handwritten article by Team InterviewBuddy. InterviewBuddy offers online face-to-face practice interviews with senior industry experts across the board.