How to be an Out-and-Out Gentleman
As you may have observed through numerous Bond movies, being a gentleman isn’t a feature that you switch on like an app. Instead, it’s a way of life and a tough one at that. So what regime can you follow to become one? Follow these tricks like you would from a manual:

Make an Effort when it comes to Appearance
Personal grooming is an evident first. You need to look dapper every time you meet someone new. Bad odour is a big no. Get regular haircuts and trim your facial hair to look sharp. Manicures can also come in handy. You should be meticulous when it comes to even the tiniest detail.
Display good manners
Chivalry is always a mark of true gentlemen, so you need to be equally courteous to everyone you know. Be respectful towards women and senior citizens. Behaviours like holding out the door for people behind you, helping someone carry their bags or even offering to help seem so trivial but can go a long way in making an impression.
Be punctual
These days, even arriving on time is considered being late. Head out early and reach before the stipulated time. Consider last minute emergencies or any road traffic. Furthermore, keep the fuel or petrol reserves in check. Arriving late can seem disrespectful of the other person’s time. You can’t afford to be lax even if they turn up late.
Be polite
If you’re meeting with someone, compliment them on their appearance. Throughout the meeting, be elegant and courteous, and make polite enquiries after their health and well-being.
Do not take for granted any of the relationships that you build while etching out a career. If someone is in need of help, assure them that you’ll be there for them and stick to it. Being a good listener is also an important badge that you can wear on your chest.
Following these tips can make you someone worthwhile; someone that other people will look up to. Inculcating these values will make you a gentleman, and what’s more an instrument of respect and care, making that much more difference in the world.
This is a handwritten article by Team InterviewBuddy. InterviewBuddy connects students, job seekers & people looking to scale up their careers with senior industry experts to practice interviewing.