Hacks to Level Up your Dress Code (Men+Women Styling) for a Job Interview
For obvious reasons, it is essential that you make the best possible impression at your job interview. How you present yourself influences this impression that you create.

It is therefore necessary to dress in a sharp and professional manner. This being established, you may wonder how to dress so. Adhere to the following tips to put your doubts to rest:
Observe the company culture:
You might have already carefully studied the workplace and the company culture. Do the employees wear suits to work or stick to casuals? Choose what you will wear for the interview accordingly.
Remember, a suit may not always be a good idea. If you turn up at the interview in a business-like ensemble at a company where everyone else is in informal wear, you will stand out in an odd way.
Whatever line of business you’re in is also a big factor. The appropriate dress code for a fashion magazine will be different to that of an architecture firm.
Coordinate with the interviewer:
What you wear should either complement or be a tad posher than the company dress code or the interviewers themselves. So if the dress code is business casual, then go for an impressive-looking suit or if it is casual, settle for business casual.
Keep in mind, the goal is to wear something you’re comfortable in, which simultaneously matches the work attire of the company.

Conduct yourself neatly:
Your clothes should be starched and well-pressed. Make sure there are no stains. The clothes should fit you perfectly.
Bad hygiene is easily noticed, so remember to have clean hair, fingernails, good odour and a handy deodorant. Your hair should be in place. Don’t go for any complicated hairstyles. Facial hair should be trimmed and neat.
Perfume, aftershave and make-up should be subtly used. Jewelry should be minimal-nothing too gaudy.

Avoid overstatements in your style:
Bring a bit of personality into your clothing, but don’t be too loud in your choice of shirts, ties or socks. Stick to solid and bright colours.
Accessorise intelligently:
A suave bag is always a good choice. Go for a smart-looking satchel, briefcase or a handbag.
Shoes should be polished until they are spotless. If you opt for heels, make sure they are comfortable and not too high.
Of course, a little expert help with practicing for your interview would go a long way in helping you overcome your interview nerves. InterviewBuddy connects job seekers with domain-specific industry experts to master interviewing!