F1 Visa

Commonly Asked F1 Visa Interview Questions with Suggested Answers

6 min readJan 8, 2021

You got Admit to one of the prestigious universities in the USA . You are on Cloud 9, followed by which you went to a Visa Interview you have been rejected. Your dreams of going to the USA getting a good job were shattered.

“Getting an admit is easy, but passing a Visa interview is tough.”

The above line was said by many students who were studying in USA and rejected in a Visa interview.

There are no set questions that the US Consular Officer might ask, and one cannot predict that these are enough. Each Officer is different and they understand the psychology of the applicant well. However, the intent of the interview is simple enough:

  • One, to understand your plan — whether it is to settle in the USA or to study and come back
  • Two and most important is to evaluate whether you can afford to entirely fund your tuition and stay in the USA for the course’s entire duration.

A few sample questions are given below for your understanding and some tips on answering them.

Where did you complete your Masters/Undergraduate/Bachelor’s degree?

Tip: Mention the name of the course and the University. If your University has any special features like it has a good world ranking, mention that while giving the details.

Why have you chosen this specific University for your further studies?


Check the entire website of the University you propose to study in and write down some features such as Ranking or notable alumni etc.. The Visa officer just wants to know your specific reason behind joining that particular University. Be careful while answering about that University. Even if it doesn’t matter to you which University you get into, he or she shouldn’t sense it.

Which universities did you apply to for admission?

Tip: He (Visa Officer) wants to know if you are serious about your education.

Now, if you applied to 4, were accepted in 1 and got 3 rejects. You need to say that you have applied to 4, got admission in 1, and are awaiting response from the balance 3.

If you think that you can’t lie, be honest; honesty is one thing that everyone likes.

Be confident about the selection process you followed. In as short a statement as possible, suggest how you are thrilled with the acceptance.

Who is sponsoring you?


In this case, if you have been granted a scholarship to study in the USA, state that. Otherwise, specify clearly who is supporting you financially. You may add that your dad and mom support you for your advanced education as per the financial documents that you have gone with.

What does your father/mother do? / What is your father’s/mother’s/sponsor’s Income?

Tip: The Visa officer wants to verify the financial capability of the sponsors —

Whether they can afford to pay for you or not?

Check your parent’s IT Returns and other documents that support your claim.

Be very clear if they are in the line of doing Business . Just don’t mention it’s a Business. Give detailed information on what business it is. Specific details play a crucial role.

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Tip: Such questions are to verify whether your family has other members whom your parents may have to raise funds for later on. Generally, such inquiries are asked to assess the balance of Income and liabilities of the family.

Do you have any relatives in the USA?


This is where you should be very careful and brutally honest. The Officer will have a full record with them. You have to mention it because he will have all the documents about your immediate relations (brother, sister, mother & father). In case your Aunt or Uncle stays there, you need not mention that to them — close relatives is all that matters.

Why don’t you do this course in your country?


This is another trap question that Visa Officers fire at you with their “Ready To Reject” attitude.

Before the interview, list down all the advantages this course will bring you, if you pursue this course in the USA rather than in India. If the course is not available in India, you can tell him or her that and your passion for pursuing this particular course. Adding a few lines on how you got inspired to do this course will be useful. You should convince the Officer that doing this course from the USA will add value to your profile and how the market needs it. Technical specifics are essential and do the magic.

What will you do after completing an MS/MBA/UG? Tell me, how can you prove that you are going to come back?


This is another trap question that Visa Officers fire at you with their “Ready To Reject “ attitude.

9 out of 10 people who go to the USA to study intend to stay over there and get a Green Card, but this reason is a Big “NO” in the interview. Your Visa will be rejected even though your academics stand out of proportion.

If you intend to work after the course, explain why you want to work in the USA. What will be your advantages in working in the USA?

How it will enhance your career after returning to India and convince them that your family will stay in India. That you have the intention to come back to India is to be clearly indicated.

Why do you want to study only in the USA?


Let them know your intention behind going to the USA. Let them know how the USA offers quality education, which would help you bring the world’s best to your country. Instead of the country, focus on the University and the course to highlight that it is only about education, not the place.

Have you got a University scholarship? Why has the University granted a Scholarship to you?


Let him know why the University granted a scholarship. Let him know how you got the scholarship, whether it is based on your academic or some other factors. If you have submitted any SOP for a scholarship, mention it and carry a copy of it.

Have you taken any Loans for your education? How do you plan on repaying your Loan?


Start with details of the Loan you have applied for and from where you have received it. Let him know you will repay. You are very confident about getting an excellent job in India after returning to India.

Do not say that you would be paying off the Loan by taking up part-time jobs in the US.

“A Big No” remember, they will be waiting to reject you if you give this type of answer.

Will you come back home during vacations/holidays?


Generally, most people who go there will not come on vacations because of high costs. However, you have to say that you plan to come back to meet your family and friends here in India. You should not tell that you plan to work in the USA as that implies that you are not financially strong and you are going there to earn money. This will make the Visa Officer believe that even after completing your education, you would like to take up a job in the USA and try to settle there.

The above questions are some of those that are frequently asked in Visa Interviews. There are many more questions like this that may be asked in the interview. However, reading this alone will not give you the required confidence to ace the Visa Interview. A Mock interview will definitely give you the much-needed confidence to prepare better.

Set up a Mock/Practice interview with Experts at InterviewBuddy who have more than 10 Years in the Interview Game and ace the F-1 interview in the first attempt confidently!

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